Dear all, We would like to bring to your attention the second session of the Brains Through Time Reading Club<>! It will be on the first of December (6pm CEST / 12 EST) and will include the participation of Maria Tosches<>, Luis Puelles<> and Paul Cisek<>. We will dedicate ~2 hours to present and discuss the main ideas of the second chapter of the book: The Origin of Vertebrates: Invertebrate Chordates and Cyclostomes. You can register HERE<>. In case you missed the first session, you can watch it HERE<> or read a quick summary of the first chapter HERE<>. See you there! The Braining Club About the BTT reading club: As the name implies, the idea is to review the book Brains Through Time<>, by Georg Striedter<> and Glenn Northcutt<>. Brains Through Time is a masterful synthesis of much of what is known about brain evolution, and offers great insights to anyone interested in a broad understanding of how the brain produces behavior.