The position of Assistant Professor in computer science is open at the University of Lille. It is open for the FOX research team (, which wishes to strengthen research in the field of computer vision, and in particular: * vision and artificial intelligence * spiking neural network and neuromorphic approaches to computer vision * frugal learning for computer vision Candidates will be expected to publish in vision-related conferences and journals. In terms of disciplinary teaching, there is a strong need for courses in areas such as computer architecture, system programming, networks, cybersecurity; programming and software engineering; algorithms, automata, languages, logic; data, AI, machine learning; HMI, vision, image processing. More generally, the experience of candidates coming to reinforce all the department's teaching units will be appreciated. Please contact: Chaabane Djeraba ( and Marius Bilasco ( for further information. — Chaabane Djeraba Professeur des Universités en Informatique Univ. Lille CRIStAL CNRS - UMR 9189 Cité Scientifique 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex - France