A two-year postdoctoral position is immediately available at the interface of psychiatry and theoretical neuroscience at the University of Ottawa's Center for Neural Dynamics. This is a joint position between the Mind, Brain Imaging and Neuroethics group of Prof. Georg Northoff at the Institute of Mental Health Research and the Neurophysics and Nonlinear Dynamics group of Prof. André Longtin in the Physics Department. The candidate should be open to learning and, most optimally, already experienced in the analysis of the temporal and spatial activity structure in large scale neural data sets, using various measures inspired from linear (e.g. cross-spectral and phase coherence), nonlinear and stochastic dynamics. Ideally the candidate would also be experienced in modelling and simulation. The focus is on the perception of time, in particular on how it is altered by excitation-inhibition imbalances. Candidates should have a PhD degree in physics, engineering, mathematics, computer science, neuroscience, computational neuroscience or cognitive neuroscience, an excellent related research experience in neuroscience, as well as strong computational, written and oral communication skills. Applications consisting of a CV and a brief statement of research interest should be sent to alongtin@uottawa.ca . Applications will be considered until the position is filled.