Please distribute to whoever may be interested. Thanks, Yoram --- *Competitive travel grants: ELSC retreat, January 2017* We'd like to reach out through you to advanced PhD students in your institute who may be interested in a fully supported travel opportunity to join us at the Annual Retreat of our Brain Center (ELSC) in the Desert Resort of Ein Gedi at the end of January 2017. The Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC) at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem is an ambitious scientific venture, building upon Hebrew University’s record of excellence and innovation in its multidisciplinary approach to brain science. At ELSC, researchers work collaboratively, covering the full spectrum of neuroscience research (for more information, see http://elsc.huji.ac.il/science/scientists) ELSC is offering up to 20 competitive travel grants for advanced PhD students to attend ELSC's 2017 annual retreat and present their work. Last year’s program can be seen via the following link: http://elsc.huji.ac.il/content/elsc-retreat-2016 Candidates are required to send their CVs, together with letters of intent and recommendation to: elsc-retreat@elsc.huji.ac.il by November 1, 2016. ELSC invites selected attendees to extend their visit, at our expense, and spend 2-3 days visiting ELSC labs, exploring opportunities for a postdoctoral internship and collaborations. We will be delighted to assist with the necessary arrangements. See also: http://elsc.huji.ac.il/content/elsc-retreat-2017 Many Thanks! The organising committee. ___ Yoram Burak The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Racah Institute of Physics | Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences p: +972-2-6585837/84523 w: http://elsc.huji.ac.il/burak a: Danciger B 103, Safra Campus, Jerusalem 91904, Israel