We are pleased to announce the "Neuromechanics in humans and other animals" workshop at the Bernstein Conference for Computational Neuroscience 2019. The workshop will take place in Berlin over two half-days, the afternoon of Tuesday 17th September, from 14h to 18h30, and the morning of Wednesday 18th September, from 8h30 to 12h30. The workshop program is attached. The list of speakers is: Prof. Friedl de Groote, KU Leuven, Belgium Prof. Ann Hallemans, University of Antwerp, Belgium Prof. Jaap van Dieën, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands Prof. Marcus Gruber, University of Konstanz, Germany Prof. Heiko Wagner, University of Münster, Germany Dr. Anne Koelewijn, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg , Germany Dr. Susanne Lipfert, TU München, Germany Dr. Emanuel Andrada, University of Jena, Germany Registration costs for the workshop are 60 until 9th July / 80 until 30th August/ 100 on site. Further information on the conference is available here: http://bernstein-conference.de/ All the best, Dr. Charlotte Le Mouel and Dr. Alexander Spröwitz Dynamic Locomotion Group, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems