Dear members of the community, Biological Cybernetics<https://www.springer.com/journal/422> is launching 3 new types of articles. These manuscripts can only be co-authored by Junior Scientists (defined as graduate students or postdoctoral fellows) and will be reviewed by one regular reviewer and one or more Junior Scientists. The scope of the journal can be found here<https://www.springer.com/journal/422/aims-and-scope> . - Mini review or tutorial: 3000 words, 2-3 Figures. A didactic but comprehensive overview of a topic or technique of interest to the Biological Cybernetics community. Authors are encouraged to also give their own perspective on the matter where appropriate in a separate clearly marked subsection. Authors are encouraged to contact the co-editor in chief to discuss appropriateness/fit of the manuscript. - Journal Club: 1200 words, 1 Figure. A short and focused account of a recent (less than one year old) publication in Biological Cybernetics or elsewhere. The authors should not belong to the same institution as any of the co-authors on the chosen publication. The manuscript should go beyond a simple summary of the original publication and point to aspects of the work of specific relevance to the Biological Cybernetics readership. - Short Communication: 2000 words, 2-3 Figures. Authors are encouraged to submit a short account of results that would not be sufficient for a full publication, but which are deemed worthy of communication to the scientific community. These could be the outcome of a 'side' project, a 'follow up' study, an interesting 'condition'. Though restricted in scope, the results are expected to be of the same quality (e.g. statistical power, proper controls for experimental submissions, mathematical rigor and clarity of exposition for theoretical submissions) as those found in a regular research paper and will be evaluated as such. Pilot experiments or preliminary data are not suitable. At the time of submission, a short note (email OK) from the advisor to the co-editor in chief is required indicating that s/he has been informed of the content/scope of the manuscript. For questions, please contact Jean-Marc Fellous (fellous at arizona.edu), Co-Editor in Chief. Jean-Marc Fellous Professor Departments of Psychology and Biomedical Engineering University of Arizona On behalf of Benjamin Lindner (Editor in Chief), Peter Thomas and Paul Tiesinga (Co-Editors in Chief) Biological Cybernetics: https://www.springer.com/journal/422 Biological Cybernetics Aims and Scope: https://www.springer.com/journal/422/aims-and-scope