Applications are invited for one PhD student position at the Institute of Neuroinformatics (ETHZ, UZH) in Zurich. The position is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation grant entitled "Inference and Learning with Spiking Neurons". The PhD student will be supervised by Jean-Pascal Pfister in the Theoretical Neuroscience Group. There are several lines of evidence indicating that the human brain performs near Bayesian optimal inference in a wide range of tasks, but it remains unclear how this inference can be implemented in the brain. The aim of the project is to determine how Bayesian inference and learning can be implemented at the level of neurons and synapses. The Institute of Neuroinformatics in Zurich (which is a joint institute belonging to both the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ) and the University of Zurich) offers an ideal environment for studying Computational Neuroscience due to the presence of multiple theoretical and experimental labs. The candidate should hold a Diplom/Master degree in Physics, Mathematics, Machine learning, Computational Neuroscience or a related field. He/she should have a very strong mathematical background, good programming skills and interests in theoretical neuroscience. The position is offered for a period of three years, starting before the 1st of September 2015. Salary scale is provided by the Swiss National Science Foundation (www.snf.ch). The applicant should submit (by email) a CV, a statement of research interests, 2 reference letters, marks obtained for the Diploma/Master, abstract of the Diploma/Master to Jean-Pascal Pfister (jpfister@ini.uzh.ch). Deadline for application is 15th of July 2015 or until the position is filled. Jean-Pascal Pfister --------------------------------- Prof. Jean-Pascal Pfister Theoretical Neuroscience Group Institute of Neuroinformatics University of Zurich and ETH Zurich Winterthurerstrasse 190 8057 Zurich, Switzerland www.ini.uzh.ch/~jpfister <http://www.ini.uzh.ch/~jpfister> Tel: +41 44 635 30 79