Post-doctoral Fellowship in Human Perceptual Neuroscience at New York University The Perception and Brain Dynamics Laboratory (PI: Biyu J. He, Ph.D.) at New York University is currently recruiting for a post-doctoral fellow to conduct research to illuminate how prior knowledge shapes perception in the human brain. The planned research project involves a combination of cutting-edge human brain imaging technologies, including ultra-high-field (7 Tesla) fMRI and magnetoencephalography (MEG) in healthy subjects, electrocorticography (ECoG) in neurosurgical patients, along with psychophysics and neuropsychology. We are looking for a candidate with a passion for perceptual and cognitive neuroscience, independent critical thinking, strong analytical and quantitative skills, and good interpersonal skills. Experience with human brain imaging (such as fMRI, MEG, or ECoG) and excellent programming skills are highly desirable. Our laboratory is located on the medical campus of New York University in Manhattan, NY, and is affiliated with the Neuroscience Institute, Department of Neurology, and Department of Radiology. The position is expected to start in fall-winter of 2019, but early spring of 2020 is also possible. We provide competitive salary and benefits that adjust for cost of living in New York City. To apply, please send a CV, a cover letter, a statement of scientific and career goals, and names and contacts of three referees to Prof. Biyu Jade He (email: biyu.jade.he@gmail.com<mailto:biyu.jade.he@gmail.com>) with the subject line “post-doctoral application 2019”. We strongly encourage interested candidates to apply as soon as possible, but no later than Oct 15.