UCSD and the University of Chicago present: MURI WINTER SCHOOL 2015<http://biocircuits.ucsd.edu/special/winterschool2015> Dynamics of Multifunction Brain Networks Organizers: Henry Abarbanel (UCSD), Timothy Gentner (UCSD), and Daniel Margoliash (Univ. of Chicago) 15th Floor, Building 1, Village West<http://maps.ucsd.edu/mapping/viewer/default.htm?mkey=1&lc=open&km=open&rc=cl...>, UC San Diego January 7-9, 2015 Registration deadline: Friday, December 5, 2014 Abstract submission deadline: Friday, November 7, 2014 Lecturers: Tim Gardner<http://www.bu.edu/biology/people/faculty/gardner/> (Boston University) – “TBA” Michael Long<http://longlab.med.nyu.edu/> (New York University) – “How does the brain generate behavioral sequences?” Gabriel Mindlin<http://www.lsd.df.uba.ar/> (University of Buenos Aires) – “The biomechanics of birdsong production” and “Low dimensional dynamics systems behind birdsong production” Richard Mooney<http://www.mooneylab.com/> (Duke University) – “Neurobiology of vocal learning” and “Forward mechanisms for hearing and learning” Marc Schmidt<http://www.bio.upenn.edu/people/marc-schmidt> (University of Pennsylvania) – “Brainstem and forebrain contributions to the generation of learned motor” Ofer Tchernichovski<http://ofer.sci.ccny.cuny.edu/> (Hunter College) – “Vocal learning beyond imitation: from cultural evolution to brain dopamine” and “How a song is learned: mechanisms of template matching” ________________________________________________________________________________ This is the third annual Winter School sponsored by the U.S. Office of Naval Research as part of its UCSD/Chicago MURI program in Dynamics of Multifunction Brain Networks. This year’s School presents a series of pedagogical and research oriented talks on the use of birdsong as a model system where theory and experiment can meet productively. It includes a series of pedagogical presentations and a poster session. The School is intended for all researchers, including advanced graduate students, interested in the general area of understanding functional nervous systems. Active participation during the School's lectures is strongly encouraged. All attendees are invited to submit abstracts for poster presentations. Selected contributed posters will be highlighted in an oral session. Registration is required for attendance, but there is no fee for attending. A limited number of travel awards are available for exceptionally qualified graduate students and postdocs, who should apply and have their supervisor send a letter of reference, via email, to muri.winter.school@gmail.com<mailto:muri.winter.school@gmail.com>. Please visit us online to register and for details regarding the schedule and poster abstract submission: http://biocircuits.ucsd.edu/special/winterschool2015