Simula Summer School in Computational Physiology: *Models, Tools, and Techniques for Excitable Tissues* *Simula Research Laboratory, Oslo, Norway, June 15-26 University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA, August 10-18* Travel grants are available through Simula. In conjunction with the University of California San Diego, Simula Research Laboratory is pleased to announce the 7th edition of our annual Summer School in Computational Physiology. This school focuses on multiscale modelling of electrophysiology and mechanics of the heart, and related material in computational neurophysiology and pharmacology. We are currently seeking master's and early doctoral students to participate, and will accept applications until *February 21st 2020*. The initial series of lectures will be hosted by Simula Research Laboratory in Oslo, Norway (June 15th-26th), followed by project work, a workshop in scientific writing from *Nature Masterclasses*, and final student presentations hosted by the University of California San Diego from August 10th-18th. The travel and accommodation expenses for successful applicants will be supported by grants from Simula designed to cover these costs. Details regarding scheduling, logistics, core scientific material, and the application process can be found through our online call for participation: www.simula.no/sscp Contacts: · Scientific content: Kimberly McCabe (kimberly@simula.no) · General inquiries: sscp@simula.no