Colleagues, We are seeking a Postdoctoral Appointee to join an interdisciplinary research program focused on understanding neural computation at the circuit level. The neural computing group includes researchers with expertise in machine learning, cognitive science, neuroscience, physics, engineering, mathematics, and data analytics. Current research topics of interest include computational models of retina, visual cortex (or the neural circuitry underlying perception), and the hippocampus. More information on Sandia’s neuroscience research can be found at http://neuroscience.sandia.gov/. We are also encouraging potential applicants to look at several of Sandia’s laboratory wide fellowships for recent PhD graduates, including the John von Neumann Fellowship (http://www.sandia.gov/careers/students_postdocs/fellowships/johnvonneumann_f...) in computational sciences and the inaugural Jill Hruby Fellowship (http://www.sandia.gov/careers/students_postdocs/fellowships/hruby_fellowship...). While an offer of employment is not contingent upon receiving one of these fellowships, a number of them do have deadlines in the coming months. To apply, visit http://www.sandia.gov/careers/ and click "View All Jobs". Enter “658202” into the search box to locate this posting. For questions please contact Frances Chance (fschanc@sandia.gov<mailto:fschanc@sandia.gov>) or Brad Aimone (jbaimon@sandia.gov<mailto:jbaimon@sandia.gov>).