Postdoctoral position in computational neuroscience at IIT-CNCS - Laboratory of Neural Computation, Rovereto, Italy Applications are sought for a post-doctoral researcher to work in computational neuroscience. The postdoctoral candidates will be working in the Centre for Neuroscience and Cognitive Systems in Trento (Italy) under the supervision of Prof. Stefano Panzeri. The postdoc will contribute to a project entitled "VISUAL MODELLING USING GANGLION CELLS". The project, funded by the European Union Future Emerging Technology programme, will develop a set of novel information theoretic algorithms for the analysis of simultaneous recordings from large populations of retinal ganglion cells under dynamic natural visual stimulation. These algorithms will be applied to analyse the functional response properties of these cells and will expose new principles of spike timing encoding that bridge the gap between single cell and population information processing. The project will involve collaborations with a retinal neurophysiology laboratory at Gottingen University (Prof Tim Gollish), as well as collaborations with neuromorphic electronic engineers and roboticists (University of Zurich, and University of Ulster) to contribute to the development of novel theoretical and hardware models of biological retinal ganglion cell types for dynamic vision applications. The ideal candidates will have a strong background in numerate sciences (physics, mathematics, engineering or informatics) and a keen interest in applying their numerate background to make breakthroughs in the understanding of the brain. Proficiency in English is required. The postdoctoral researchers will work at the IIT (CNCS@UNITN) most of the time under the superivision of internationally recognized experts and will have access to state-of-the-art equipment and laboratories. Interested applicants should contact Stefano Panzeri (stefano.panzeri@iit.it) for any informal queries. For a formal application, the candidate will submit his/her CV, list of publications, a statement of research interests and the names and email addresses of two referees by e-mail to both stefano.panzeri@iit.it and Sara Maistrelli ( Cncs_selezioni@iit.it ). Please quote REF CB 69468 in the application. Deadline for the application is April 6, 2014. For recent reviews about the work carried out by the laboratory of Neural Computation, prospective applicants are invited to consult the following articles: G.T. Einevoll, C. Kayser, N.K. Logothetis and S. Panzeri (2013) Modelling and analysis of local field potential for studying the function of cortical circuits. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 14:770-785; Panzeri S, Brunel N, Logothetis NK, Kayser C (2010) Neural codes at multiple temporal scales in sensory cortex.Trends in Neuroscience 33: 111-120 Quian Quiroga R, Panzeri S (2009) Extracting information from neuronal populations: information theory and decoding approaches. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 10: 173-185. The formal full job post advert can be found at: http://www.iit.it/en/openings/iit-centres/iit-unitn-openings/2331-postdoctor...