Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Kharkevich Institute) The Yarbus-100 Organizing Committee is pleased to present the up-to-date information about Yarbus-100 Symposium Deadlines Earlier, in the 2nd information letter, it was announced that the deadline, both for abstract and for short report submission is March, 10. However, it has now been arranged that the proceedings of our symposium will be published in a Special Issue of Perception, raising the possibility of allowing more time for participants planning submission of reports because, in the case of the Special Issue, the manuscripts should be submitted to Perception via the PiMMS website after the symposium. At the same time, we are not able to postpone the deadline for abstract submission, taking into account the time necessary for reviewing the texts received and creating the symposium program. Thus, all the potential participants are requested to send their abstracts to the organizing committee no later than March 17, but those who need some additional time to complete the report, may delay sending the main text up to April 1. Submission procedure - Prospective manuscript (both .pdf and .doc) should be send to yarbus100@iitp.ru<mailto:yarbus100@iitp.ru> as an attachment. - Guidelines for authors can be found at the Perception official site. - Before the symposium, the approved abstracts will be published in the Program of the symposium. - After the symposium, Perception/Pion will set up a special folder "Yarbus 100" for collecting the manuscripts selected for publication in Perception. The authors will be allowed to improve their manuscripts taking into account discussions at the symposium. Additional Master Classes Two additional proposals for Master Classes have been added: from SR Research ("Eye Tracking in Vision Sciences - Practical Considerations for Saccadic, Pursuit, Video, and 3D Studies") and from Acuity Intelligence ("Getting real: Eye-tracking beyond the screen and outside of the lab"). Information on the ITaS website Beginning from the February 27 all the information about the symposium will be posted on the ITaS's official website: http://itas2014.iitp.ru/?q=en/node/50 We are looking forward to welcoming you and/or your colleagues at the symposium Yarbus-100 and the conference ITaS'14. For any questions and suggestions please contact Mr Andrey Bolshakov at: yarbus100@iitp.ru<mailto:yarbus100@iitp.ru> .