PostDoc position: stochastic signal processing and probability computation Position available at ISIR (Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique) from Sorbonne Université - Université Pierre et Maris Curie, 4 place Jussieu, Paris: http://www.isir.upmc.fr/ <http://www.isir.upmc.fr/> Context: The framework of this position is the FP7-ICT European project BAMBI (Bottom-up Approaches to Machines dedicated to Bayesian Inference) launched in January 2014 for 3 years: https://www.bambi-fet.eu/ <https://www.bambi-fet.eu/> Content: The objective of the position is to develop theoretical studies and simulations of several ways to encode probability distribution with stochastic signals and to process these signals to implement probabilistic inferences. These studies should be done in strong interaction with our partners of the project working in the fields of fundamental electronics and spintronics. The researcher will have first to do a review of existing studies, including ongoing works done in our group and partners. He will then propose methods for the evaluation of building blocks performing basic probabilistic computation with stochastic signals, with a special focus on dynamic properties. Outcomes of these works will be published in international conferences and project deliverables. Competences: Good mathematical proficiency, especially in the field of probability theory and Markov models, is required. A perfect mastering of programming languages (C/C++, Python, Matlab) is also necessary. Duration: One year starting in spring 2015, with a possible prolongation until the end of the project (December 2016). Salary: Around 2500 euros/month, depending on previous research experience. Please submit CV and references by mail to Pierre Bessière (pierre.bessiere@isir.upmc.fr <mailto:pierre.bessiere@isir.upmc.fr>) and Jacques Droulez (jacques.droulez@isir.upmc.fr <mailto:jacques.droulez@isir.upmc.fr>). _________________________________ Pr. Pierre Bessière - CNRS ********************** SORBONNE Universités - UPMC - ISIR http://bayesian-programming.org <http://bayesian-programming.org/> Tel: +33 1 44 27 51 54 Skype: Pierre.Bessiere Pyramide - T55/65 CC 173 - 4 Place Jussieu 75005 Paris FRANCE _________________________________