29th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks ICANN 2020 https://e-nns.org/icann2020 *Bratislava, Slovakia** **15 - 18 September 2020* ============================================================ *Submission Deadline Extended: 30 April* * * Dear colleagues, As ICANN organizing committee and ENNS, the safety and health of all our participants is a top priority. We are monitoring closely the situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. *We will carefully evaluate the situation in the few next weeks and will work on solutions; we are aware of the current situation and remain flexible*. No one can predict what will happen in the next weeks or months exactly, but we we will monitor closely and react accordingly and will communicate any backup plan options in due course on the website if and once necessary. *However, for now we hope and assume that ICANN will take place in September and that you will submit and attend it*. If you were planning to submit your contribution to ICANN 2020, we advise you to continue preparing your manuscript and submit it as planned on the conference website <https://e-nns.org/icann2020/submission/>. We understand that the current situation is impacting the working conditions of many of us, and therefore we have decided to *extend the submission deadline to April 30*, *2020*. We will keep you informed and announce any relevant changes on the conference website. In the meanwhile, we wish you and your dear ones to stay healthy and safe in this difficult time. Best regards, The ICANN 2020 Organizing Committee