Apologies for cross-posting! Please distribute to interested parties. many thanks! Yiota Poirazi ------------------------------------------------------- DENDRITES 2014 4^th NAMASEN Training Workshop Heraklion, Crete, Greece. July 1-4, 2014 http://dendrites2014.gr/ info@dendrites2014.gr <mailto:info@dendrites2014.gr> * * * * * ABSTRACT SUBMISSION EXTENDED * * * * * Abstract submission for poster and oral presentation has been extended to *March 31st, 2014.* * * * * * REGISTRATION WAIVERS FOR STUDENTS/POSTDOCS* * * * * We are happy to announce the availability of registration waivers for the entire meeting. Waivers are provided by IBRO PERC funding for Symposia, Workshops & Meetings. Students and postdocs presenting an abstract are eligible. To request a waiver, please send an email to info@dendrites2014.org <mailto:info@dendrites2014.org>including information about your submitted abstract. Travel funds might also become available and will be announced on the web site. ---------------------------------------- Dendrites 2014 aims to bring together scientists from around the world to present their research on dendrites, ranging from the molecular to the anatomical and biophysical levels. The Workshop will take place in the beautiful island of Crete, just after the AREADNE meeting (areadne.org) which takes place in the nearby island of Santorini. Note that Santorini is just a 2 hour boat ride from Crete. One could combine two meetings in a single trip to Greece! FORMAT AND SPEAKERS The meeting consists of the Main Event (July 1-3) and the Soft Skills Day (July 4). Invited speakers for the Main Event include: * Susumu Tonegawa (Nobel Laureate), * Angus Silver, * Tiago Branco, * Alcino J. Silva, * Michael Häusser, * Julietta U. Frey, * Stefan Remy, and * Kristen Harris. For the Soft Skills Day, Kerri Smith, Nature podcast editor, is going to present on communication and dissemination of scientific results. Alcino J. Silva (UCLA) will present his recent work on developing tools for integrating and planning research in Neuroscience. There will be a hands on session on tools used to model neural cells/networks and a talk about the advantages of publishing under the Creative Commons License. CALL FOR ABSTRACTS Submission of abstracts for poster and oral presentations are due by *31 March 2014*. We welcome both experimental and theoretical contributions addressing novel findings related to dendrites. For details, please see http://dendrites2014.gr/call/. Electronic abstract submission is hosted on the Frontiers platform, where extended abstracts will be published as an online, open access special issue (in Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, Impact factor 4.5). One of the authors has to register for the main event as a presenting author. In case an abstract is not accepted for presentation, the registration fee will be refunded. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Please see the conference web site (http://dendrites2014.gr/), subscribe to our twitter (https://twitter.com/dendrites2014) or RSS feeds (http://dendrites2014.gr/rss_feed/news.xml), or send an email to info@dendrites2014.org <mailto:info@dendrites2014.org>. -- Panayiota Poirazi, Ph.D. Research Director Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB) Foundation of Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH) Vassilika Vouton, P.O.Box 1385 GR 711 10 Heraklion, Crete, GREECE Tel: +30 2810 391139 Fax: +30 2810 391101 Εmail:poirazi@imbb.forth.gr http://www.dendrites.gr