We are excited to announce that registration is now open for our new, NENS-awarded spring school (“I²C²S³”, International Interdisciplinary Computational Cognitive Science Spring School). Its first iteration will take place in the period of March 25th – 31th, 2019 at the Bernstein Center Freiburg, Germany. This annual spring school is designed for researchers and students from all fields with an interest in computational approaches to the brain and cognitive sciences. We encourage all participants to present their own research in the format of a poster or a Blitz talk. Following a five-day educational program with a mixture of invited talks and instructive tutorials, the event will conclude with an optional two-day Hackathon. Attendees can receive one ECTS-point for their participation in the event. Registration is free, apart from a 20 Euro deposit. Master or PhD students currently residing outside of Germany are eligible to apply for one out of 4 stipends of 750 Euro (generously provided by FENS/IBRO-PERC) to cover the costs associated with their attendance. Registration will be closed on February 16th 2019 11:59pm. Preliminary list of speakers: * Radoslaw Martin Cichy (Free University Berlin, Department of Psychology and Education) * Frank Jäkel (Technische Universität Darmstadt, Centre for Cognitive Science) * Falk Lieder (MPI Intelligent Systems, Tübingen, Rationality Enhancement Group) * Timo Flesch (University of Oxford, Human Information Processing Lab) * Michael Tangermann (University of Freiburg, Brain State Decoding Lab) * Stefan Rotter (Bernstein Center Freiburg, Computational Neuroscience Lab) * Carsten Mehring (Bernstein Center Freiburg, Neurobiology and Neurotechnology) * Peggy Series (University of Edinburgh, Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation) * Lilian Weber (ETH Zurich, Translational Neuromodeling Unit) For a preliminary program, please visit our webpage at http://iiccsss.eu/. Please do not hesitate to write us an email (info@iiccsss.eu), if you have any questions. Feel free to spread this announcement to your friends and colleagues. We look forward to seeing you @IICCSSS2019. Sincerely, The organization committee -- Jannis Born Maryna Kapitonova Jan Kirchner Lukas Vogelsang