I’m writing to invite you to attend a conference hosted May 7-8 at Georgia Tech called InterfaceNeuro (https://interfaceneuro.org), which targets the intersection of neuroscience, neuroengineering, clinical/translational research, neurotech industry, and individuals with lived experiences. While each of these areas obviously has their own meetings, this conference is unique in interfacing these areas all together to find points of collaboration. The theme this year is "Integrating Brain, Body, and Machine for Next-Gen Intelligent Interfaces". The program features curated invited talks, a keynote from Dr. Mike Okun, contributed poster sessions, and a featured event focused on patient's lived experiences with neurotechnology. You can see from the program that the curated talks have been chosen to span disciplines and generate discussion. We've minimized registration fees to try and make the meeting as accessible as possible (note that there is no virtual component). Poster submissions are due by March 14 (as part of registration), and there will be a slate of best poster prizes for trainees. This will be the first meeting hosted by Georgia Tech building off of previous offerings by Rice University’s Neuroengineering Initiative, and we are excited to welcome you all to Atlanta. Please reach out if you have questions. Otherwise, we look forward to seeing you in May!