A postdoctoral position is available to work on statistical analysis and computational modelling of large-scale two-photon imaging data of neural population activity from rodent neocortex. This work is part of a Simons Foundation-funded project that seeks to compare the fidelity and stability of neural coding of sensory stimuli between wild-type mice and Fragile-X Syndrome mouse models. The project is a collaboration between the computational neuroscience group of Cian O’Donnell at University of Bristol (http://seis.bris.ac.uk/~co15268), where you will be based, and the experimental neuroscience group of Carlos Portera-Cailliau at University of California, Los Angeles (https://porteralab.neurology.ucla.edu). You will be part of the growing Bristol Computational Neuroscience Unit (http://www.bris.ac.uk/engineering/research/computational-neuroscience; faculty Rui Costa, Conor Houghton, Nathan Lepora, Naoki Masuda, Rosalyn Moran, and Cian O'Donnell). You should ideally have a PhD in Computational Neuroscience or Machine Learning/Statistics, but we will also accept applications from candidates with PhDs in related disciplines such as Neuroscience, Physics, Mathematics, or Engineering. This post is offered on a full time, open-ended contract with funding for up to 18 months in the first instance. You should be able to start on or before April 2018. Please email Cian O’Donnell (cian.odonnell@bristol.ac.uk<mailto:cian.odonnell@bristol.ac.uk>) for informal enquires. More application details here: http://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/BGN179/research-associate-senior-research-associat....