The Cluster of Excellence "Machine Learning: New Perspectives for Science" at the University of Tübingen offers a position as Scientific Head of the central Cluster Facility "Scientific Transfer Center" (100%) to be filled as soon as possible. The position is initially limited until December 31, 2025, with the option of a tenured position. The Transfer Center will be a new facility of the Cluster of Excellence, intended to act as an interface between the Cluster and the various Departments of the University. The Scientific Head is going to promote the transfer of knowledge from the field of machine learning within the Cluster of Excellence to other Departments of the University and to help establishing links between scientific application domains and the research in the area of machine learning. YOUR TASKS - To counsel scientific projects from a variety of disciplines on questions in the field of machine learning - To develop prototypes for standard use cases of machine learning - To initiate networking events between researchers in the field of machine learning and scientific application domains - To develop a (small number of) special courses that introduce machine learning to doctoral students and scientists from other disciplines - To supervise the other scientists employed at the Transfer Center If you enjoy supporting scientific projects at the interface between machine learning and other fields of science, then this is the place for you. The position offers quite a lot of creative freedom. The opportunity to participate in publications is given, but is not the primary goal of the position. The Transfer Center will concentrate on the transfer of machine learning methods to other fields of science. Target persons are doctoral students and scientists from other disciplines. Teaching in Bachelor's or Master's degree programs and transfer to industry will explicitly not be the scope of the Transfer Center. YOUR PROFILE - A doctorate in machine learning or data science and a background in computer science, physics, mathematics or a similar field - Good communication skills with different people - You enjoy working on machine learning problems in different contexts. You are curious about research in various scientific disciplines - Programming experience in the common languages (Python, R, C++) - Experience in project management Further information on the Cluster of Excellence can be found at www.ml-in-science.uni-tuebingen.de. Applications with the usual documents (cover letter, curriculum vitae, copies of certificates, list of publications) are requested by November 08, 2019 in electronic form (as a single PDF, not exceeding 5 MB) to the Central Office of the Cluster of Excellence (ml-in-science@uni-tuebingen.de). Please also direct any questions regarding this advertisement to the Central Office. ml-in-science@uni-tuebingen.de - www.ml-in-science.uni-tuebingen.de https://www.academics.de/jobs/preview/1015018?preview_id=_GfViDrGixL5dwP6Y5E... -- Prof. Dr. Philipp Berens Institute for Ophthalmic Research, University of Tübingen Excellence Cluster "Machine Learning - New Perspectives for Science" http://www.berenslab.org phone: +49-7071-2988833