Dear colleagues, see below announcement of the upcoming IPEG (pharmaco-EEG and personalized medicine) in Leipzig. Kind regards, Martijn Arns Register today for the 18. IPEG Meeting in September View this email in your browser<> []<> IPEG-Meeting 2014 in Leipzig, Germany<> September 25th to 28th Register Today!<> [] [] [] [] Visit the IPEG-Meeting from 25th-28th september in Leipzig, Germany for 1. Latest research in EEG-based personalized medicine in psychiatry during the "PM-day" including first results from large scale studies (EMBARC, iSPOT) 2. Great Keynotes from basic physiology to sophisticated methods including C.B. Saper, S.Makeig, C.Mulert, H. Schulz, L. Prichep 3. Special Symposia about EEG-TMS combination; EEG-vigilance regulation in neuropsychiatric disorders; Novel IPEG Animal Pharmaco-EEG Guidelines Framework; Fast acting agents and underlying neurotransmitter systems 4. One-day EEG-training course that covers topics from basic processig to sophisticated methods for Pharmaco-EEG research 5.Prof. Werner M. Herrmann Memorial Grant for the best Young-Researcher contribution Program <> IPEG-Meeting 25-28th September in Leipzig, Germany<> Registration<> [Twitter]<> Twitter<> [IPEG-Website]<> IPEG-Website<> []<> Tweet<> []<> Forward<> []<> +1<>