Three postdoctoral (or graduate) positions are available at the Mind, Brain Imaging & Neuroethics lab. The candidates should have strong background in brain imaging (fMRI, MRS, EEG/MEG, TMS) and preferably strong education in neuroscience/brain imaging, engineering, physics, and/or computational neuroscience for data analyses. The project focuses on resting state and its interaction with task-evoked activity in relation to mental features like self and consciousness in both healthy and psychiatric subjects where neuronal, electrophysiological and biochemical measures will be obtained. A specific focus will be on novel ways of dynamic and non-linear analyses of the brain imaging data in conjunction with computational modeling and signal processing analyses. Part of the project will be carried out in China at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou/China and, in part, in Ottawa/Canada as the PI has affiliations with both places. Hence, Chinese skills are of advantage but not a prerequisite for application. More information about our work can be found on the website: www.georgnorthoff.com For PhD candidates. Graduation at University of Ottawa (PhD) under the supervision of Dr. G. Northoff is possible. Salary for the postdoctoral candidates depends on qualifications and will be around 35.000 CAD to 70.000 CAD. Outstanding candidates may also qualify for faculty position in China. Candidates shall contact: Dr. G. Northoff: georg.northoff@theroyal.ca (website: www.georgnorthoff.com)