Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Assistant at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London. The postdoc will be jointly supervised by Peter Latham (Gatsby Unit) and Bahador Bahrami (Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience). The goal of the project is to develop and test computational models of social learning and collective decision-making. This will build on our previous work in collective decision-making (Bahrami et al: Science 329:1081-1085, 2010; J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform 38:3–8, 2012; Phil Trans R Soc B 367:1350-1365, 2012), and will form the basis of model-based fMRI analysis. Salary: £32,699 - £39,523 per year Duties and Responsibilities: The successful candidate will carry out research in the area of social collective decision-making and emergent crowd behaviour, with specific focus on computational and social/cognitive neuroscience. S/he will develop and test computational models of social learning and collective decision-making, implement and run behavioural experiments, perform analysis of data, and prepare reports of the research for publication in peer reviewed international scientific journals. The work will require a strong computational background, and the successful candidate should have a reasonable subset of the following: - PhD (or close to a PhD) in computer science, computational neuroscience, or cognitive neuroscience. - Knowledge of computational neuroscience, behavioural economics, or big-data analysis. - Experience in statistics or machine learning. - Experience in the analysis of behavioural and functional imaging data. - Programming skills in MATLAB or similar languages. - Effective written and verbal communication skills. - Experience working in a research environment. - Ability and/or experience in programming web-based and smartphone applications. If interested, send a CV and a very brief cover letter to Bahador Bahrami <bbahrami@gmail.com>