Dear all, ATR Brain Labs in Kyoto, Japan has two open positions in computational visual neuroscience. I would appreciate if you forward the following message to anyone who might be interested. Best regards, Haruo Hosoya, Senior Researcher Department of Dynamic Brain Imaging ATR Brain Labs, Cognitive Mechanisms Laboratories Open researcher positions at ATR Brain Labs., Kyoto, Japan ============================================ Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR), Kyoto, Japan, has open positions for researchers in computational visual neuroscience. Our institute has a long tradition in computational neuroscience and has recently been promoting theoretical studies of hierarchical vision models based on statistical learning theory (a.k.a. deep learning), with the emphasis on the bidirectional (feedforward and feedback) computation in the visual cortex. We seek for autonomous and motivated applicants who are interested in working on this research theme in collaboration with our research group. Haruo Hosoya, Ph.D. Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR), Kyoto, Japan 2016, December Project outline --------------------- It is well known that, in the visual cortex, a number of visual areas form a hierarchy with low-level to high-level feature representations, and perform bidirectional interactions through the feedforward and feedback circuitry. Such bidirectional computation has conventionally been considered to play roles in visual perception, imagery, information completion, selective attention, etc. However, our research group is considering that bidirectional computation may be far more essential in the visual system than previously thought. For example, we have recently released a theoretical model that proposes a potential role of bidirectional computation in visual representations of objects and facts in the higher visual cortex (http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/086637). We will continue to pursue other roles of the bidirectionality in various visual functions of the brain through developing new computational models based on learning theory and evaluating their visual processing capability, performance, and explainability of neuroscientific data. Furthermore, we are also interested in building a larger-scale hierarchical visual model that integrates various computational models developed in our group as well as pursuing its applicability in realistic problems. More on the project can be seen here: http://www.cns.atr.jp/~hosoya/project_outline.pdf. What's ATR? ------------------ ATR is a private company specialized to basic science founded in 1986. It is renowned for its long and unique tradition of computational neuroscience since the foundation, emphasizing the importance of mathematical understanding of computation in the brain for the technological innovation. Research in ATR is highly international and involves a number of scientists from all over the world for collaboration. The institute is located in Keihanna scientific city surrounded by the second largest city of Japan, Osaka, and two beautiful old capitals of Japan, Kyoto and Nara. Requirements for Researchers ----------------------------------------- Applicants must have a Ph.D. or be expected to get one before starting the job. The applicants are required to show expertise in a mathematical area, as well as strong interest in neuroscience and good programming experience. In particular, expertise in machine learning will be considered important. Additional knowledge in computation vision and computational neuroscience will also be welcome. Number of openings --------------------------- Two Employment conditions -------------------------------- Position : Full-time Researcher Tenure : Single year based contract, renewable based on evaluation Treatment: Based on individual performance Work Location: Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR) 2-2-2 Hikaridai, Seika-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto 619-0288, Japan Application materials ---------------------------- Please submit the following five materials to the contact address below, either in a printed or in an electronic form: • 1 CV • 2 List of publications • 3 Reprints of 1-3 major publications of past projects • 4 Essay (up to two pages in A4 or letter size) describing summary of your previous research, interest in our project, and other skills and experiences potentially useful for research. • 5 Recommendation letters from two or more researchers * If submitted in printed form, original documents will not be returned. Judging system --------------------- After documentary examination, we ask for presentation and interview if needed. Starting date -------------------- Soon (negotiable) Deadline for application --------------------------------- Opens until positions are filled. Contact ----------- Department of Dynamic Brain Imaging ATR Cognitive Mechanisms Laboratories 2-2-2 Hikaridai, Seika-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto 619-0288, Japan Email: dbi-tvn at atr.jp at=@ Use of personal data ---------------------------- All personal data received will be properly managed and only be used for the purpose of recruitment.