Dear Colleagues, Registration is now open for the workshop "HBP Hippocamp CA1: Collaborative and Integrative Modeling of Hippocampal Area CA1", to be held March 31st - April 1st, 2015 at UCL School of Pharmacy in London, supported by the Human Brain Project (www.humanbrainproject.eu). In short, the aims of the workshop are two-fold. First, to engage the larger community of experimentalists and modelers working on hippocampus, and highlight existing modeling efforts and strategic datasets for modeling hippocampal area CA1. Second, to define and bootstrap an inclusive community-driven model and data-integration process to achieve open pre-competitive reference models of area CA1 (and, ultimately, the rest of the hippocampus), which are well documented, validated, and released at regular intervals (supported in part by IT infrastructure funded by HBP). Involvement from the community interested in characterization and modeling of the hippocampus is highly encouraged. To keep the meeting focused on the task, participation will be limited to ~30 people, so registration is required. Please consult the meeting website at http://neuralensemble.org/meetings/HippocampCA1/ for registration and further details. Organizing committee: Jo Falck (UCL), Szabolcs Káli (Hungarian Academy of Sciences), Sigrun Lange (UCL), Audrey Mercer (UCL), Eilif Muller (EPFL), Armando Romani (EPFL) and Alex Thomson (UCL). Best regards, Szabolcs Káli Laboratory of Cerebral Cortex Research Institute of Experimental Medicine Hungarian Academy of Sciences H-1083 Budapest Szigony utca 43. Phone: +36-1-2109413 Fax: +36-1-2109412 E-mail: kali.szabolcs@koki.mta.hu www.koki.mta.hu