POSTDOC POSITION IN DECODING AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS FROM MOVEMENT A postdoc position is available in the lab of Geoff Goodhill at Washington University in St Louis for an NIH-funded project to help improve early diagnosis of ASD by using cutting-edge tools from machine learning and computational ethology. PROJECT. Motor differences are one of the earliest markers of increased ASD likelihood in infancy. Our goal is to develop broadly-applicable diagnostic tools which combine automated extraction of kinematic features from video data with new machine learning techniques to capture ASD motor function variability. As a first step, we are applying cutting-edge developments in computer vision, machine learning and computational ethology to a rich, longitudinal video dataset of infants being screened for ASD. APPLICANT PROFILE. The ideal applicant would have a strong background in all of ASD, human movement, machine learning and computational ethology. However given the rarity of this combination we are happy to consider candidates with only some of this background, but a strong desire to learn about the other elements. LAB ENVIRONMENT. The Goodhill lab is an interdisciplinary environment of students and postdocs from a diverse array of backgrounds including neuroscience, mathematics, physics and engineering, working together on understanding neural circuit computation, particularly relating to neural development. UNIVERSITY ENVIRONMENT. Washington University in St Louis is ranked in the top 10 institutions globally for Neuroscience and Behavior, and offers an outstanding intellectual environment for research in neuroscience. The Goodhill lab has recently moved into Washington University's new start-of-the-art 600,000 sq ft Neuroscience Research Building (https://neuroscience.wustl.edu/research/neuroscience-building). For more information about St Louis see https://explorestlouis.com. To apply please send a CV and detailed cover letter explaining why you are interested in this position to g.goodhill@wustl.edu. Review of applications will continue until the position is filled. Professor Geoffrey J Goodhill Departments of Developmental Biology and Neuroscience Director, Center for Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience (ctcn.wustl.edu) Affiliate appointments: Physics, Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, and Electrical and Systems Engineering Washington University School of Medicine 660 S. Euclid Avenue St. Louis, MO 63110 g.goodhill@wustl.edu https://neuroscience.wustl.edu/people/geoffrey-goodhill-phd