Reminder that applications for the Summer Workshop on the Dynamic Brain, co-organized by the Allen Institute for Brain Science and the Computational Neuroscience Program at the University of Washington and directed by Drs. Christof Koch and Adrienne Fairhall, are due on April 1st. Application procedures and more information can be found at http://courses.washington.edu/braindyn/ . This intensive two week summer course aims to give advanced students – graduate students, postdocs and faculty – a rapid introduction to the current state of understanding of the neurobiology of sensory processing, including anatomy, physiology and neural coding; tutorials on the tools of the Allen Brain Institute; and an opportunity to carry out an informatics or computational research project with the guidance of faculty. The experimental focus is on vision in rodents. Faculty will include: Christof Koch Wyeth Bair Jay Neitz Clay Reid Shawn Olsen Adrienne Fairhall Rajesh Rao Anne Churchland Hongkui Zeng Bill Howe