Dear All, I would like to share with the community the mentor-mentee platform called Figbox: https://figbox.co/ <https://figbox.co/>. Who is behind figbox? The platform was developed by two postdocs at Yale and Harvard to help Early Career Researchers and PhD students in the field of computational neuroscience, physics, neurobiology, biochemistry, linguistics, physiology and more. Currently there are over 20k mentors and mentees on figbox. What do it actually do? Figbox allows junior scholars to find mentors willing to provide general advice on the following: thesis topics, experimental designs, publication, and more. It also allows junior scholars the ability to receive double-blind reviews of their working papers, sections of their thesis and grants before they officially submit. What do you gain as a mentor? For those who are curious about the benefits of mentoring junior scholars, see: https://figbox.co/benefit/ <https://figbox.co/benefit/> is it free? yes, mentors and mentee can sign up safely and securely using their ORCID account With best regards, BW