Neural Computation - Contents -- Volume 26, Number 10 - October 1, 2014 Available online for download now: http://www.mitpressjournals.org/toc/neco/26/10 ----- Articles Efficient Sensory Encoding and Bayesian Inference With Heterogeneous Neural Populations Deep Ganguli, Eero P Simoncelli Dimensionality of Object Representations in Monkey Inferotemporal Cortex Sidney Lehky, Roozbeh Kiani, Hossein Esteky, and Keiji Tanaka Letters Hierarchical Control Using Networks Trained With Higher-Level Forward Models Gregory Duncan Wayne, Larry Abbott Spine Head Calcium as a Measure of Summed Postsynaptic Activity for Driving Synaptic Plasticity Bruce Graham, Ausra Saudargiene, and Stuart Cobb Design of Charge-Balanced Time-Optimal Stimuli for Spiking Neuron Oscillators Isuru Dasanayake, Jr-Shin Li Influence of External Inputs and Asymmetry of Connections on Information-Geometric Measures Involving Up to Ten Neuronal Interactions Yimin Nie, Jean-Marc Fellous, and Masami Tatsuno Fragility in Dynamic Networks: Application to Neural Networks in the Epileptic Cortex Duluxan Sritharan, Sridevi Vedula Sarma On Anti-periodic Solutions for Cohen-Grossberg Shunting Inhibitory Neural Networks With Time-varying Delays and Impulses Changjin Xu., Qiming Zhang Learning Rates of Lq Coefficient Regularization Learning With Gaussian Kernel Shaobo Lin, Jinshan Zeng, Jian Fang, and Zongben Xu ------------ ON-LINE -- http://www.mitpressjournals.org/neuralcomp SUBSCRIPTIONS - 2014 - VOLUME 26 - 12 ISSUES USA Others Electronic Only Student/Retired $70 $193 $65 Individual $124 $187 $115 Institution $1,035 $1,098 $926 Canada: Add 5% GST MIT Press Journals, 238 Main Street, Suite 500, Cambridge, MA 02142-9902 Tel: (617) 253-2889 FAX: (617) 577-1545 journals-orders@mit.edu ------------