Ph.D. Student Position in Robot Learning or Computer Vision at U. Innsbruck The research group in Intelligent and Interactive Systems <https://iis.uibk.ac.at/>, led by Profs. Justus Piater and Antonio Rodríguez-Sánchez, has an opening for a Ph.D. student, on a university assistant position that includes minor teaching requirements. The research will be loosely aligned with ongoing research projects <https://iis.uibk.ac.at/research/projects> in the lab: deep learning in computer vision or robotics computational models of biological vision biologically-inspired computer vision robot vision and closed-loop sensorimotor interaction open-ended and intrinsically-motivated robot learning concept discovery by learning robots goal-oriented exploratory learning prediction of action effects robot skill optimization human-robot interaction and collaboration How to Apply Interested applicants should send a letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae including URLs of English-language theses and dissertations, scanned transcripts and diplomas, and contact information of at least two references in PDF to Justus.Piater@uibk.ac.at <mailto:Justus.Piater@uibk.ac.at>. Applications will be considered as they are received, until all positions are filled. Starting date is October 2018 or earlier. More details on https://iis.uibk.ac.at/jobs <https://iis.uibk.ac.at/jobs> Priv. Doz. Antonio Rodríguez-Sánchez, PhD Intelligent and Interactive Systems Dept. of Computer Science - Institut für Informatik University of Innsbruck - Universität Innsbruck Austria – Österreich https://iis.uibk.ac.at/public/antonio/ <https://iis.uibk.ac.at/public/antonio/>