Dear Friends, On behalf of the Board of the Neurobiology Student Scientific Association operating at the Faculty of Biology of the University of Warsaw I would like to invite you to the 5th International Conference " Aspects of Neuroscience" that will be held in Warsaw, Poland, from November 27th to 29th 2015. As in the following years, this time the Conference also consists of poster and report symposia. November symposia will be devoted to: Neurobiology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Clinical Neuroscience and Neuroinformatics. Each of the thematic symposium will be preceded by a lecture delivered by one of the guests, a specialist of a given domain. During the last editions of the conference we had privilege to host such outstanding neuroscientists as Prof. Semir Zeki, Prof. Richard Frackowiak or Prof. Bruce Graham. The conference is intended for students, doctoral students and research workers related to neuroscience. The student lectures will take place simultaneously in two rooms, in basic and extended version. The basic session provides an opportunity to present theoretical and review talks for the students who do not conduct their own research yet. We would like the conference to gather academics with different background and level of expertise, who share the common passion for neuroscience. Language of conference is English. Registration for the conference will be open from July 1st. More information about conference and the whole Project: www.neuronauka.org/eng Find us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AspectsOfNeuroscience?fref=ts Yours sincerely, Daniel Borek Neurobiology Student Scientific Association at the University of Warsaw Organizing Committee of the International Conference of Students and Young Scientists "The Aspects of Neuroscience"