At the Computational Resilience Group in Mainz, we are looking for a PhD student or post doc interested in working at the interface of mathematical modelling of complex systems, advanced data analysis and psychology/ biology, with the aim to understand the neuronal and dynamical foundation of stress resilience. Details here:

With kind regards,

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Janina Hesse
Group leader Computational Resilience Research
Pronouns: she/her

Leibniz-Institut für Resilienzforschung (LIR) gGmbH
Wallstraße 7
55122 Mainz

Telefon: +49 (0) 6131 89448-44




Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Dr. Frank-Dieter Kuchta
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Prof. Dr. Klaus Lieb, Prof. Dr. Beat Lutz (wissenschaftlich), Dr. Thorsten Mundi (kaufmaennisch).
HRB 48032, Amtsgericht Mainz

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