2016 Neuro-Inspired Computational Elements Workshop

March 7-9, 2016

Clark-Kerr Campus, Berkeley, CA




About the meeting

Neuro-inspired Computational Elements (NICE) workshops have been held for the last three years, bringing the very wide ranging scientific disciplines (neuroscience: imaging, theory, algorithms), hardware and applications communities looking for a common ground to accelerate the development of next generation of computing approaches.  The key outcome will be the further clarification of the value proposition for neuro-inspired/neuromorphic computing: why and how could these systems deliver the performance and efficiency we seek beyond conventional computing approaches? The concurrent task for the workshop is to identify pathways for building and accelerating the evaluation and development of such systems.

Invited Speakers:

William Dally, NVIDIA

Ila Fiete, UT Austin

Steve Furber, University of Manchester

Surya Ganguli, Stanford

Jeff Hawkins, Numenta

Bruce Hendrickson, Sandia National Laboratories

Giacomo Indiveri, University of Zurich

Pentti Kanerva, Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience

Amir Khosrowshahi, Nervana Systems

David Kirk, Nvidia

Christof Koch, Allen Institute for Brain Science

Aurel Lazar, Columbia

Wolfang Maass, Technische Universität Graz

Rajit Manohar, Cornell

Dharmendra Modha, IBM

Christos Papadimitriou, UC Berkeley

Alice Parker, USC

Michael Schmuker, University of Sussex

Narayan Srinivasa, Intel

Winfried Wilcke, IBM

To Register

Please click on the following registration page link 



If you are interested in presenting at the workshop, we ask that you submit an extended abstract (1 page max pdf) during registration. There is an opportunity to upload your abstract at the bottom of the "personal information" page. After your information is entered you will be asked to pay. The 3 day event costs $275.00 per person, plus processing fees.


Hotel ** book by Sunday, Feb. 7 **

A block of rooms has been reserved at the Claremont Hotel for $219 per night, plus taxes and fees.  Please click on this link to make a reservation in the room block:


Bruno A. Olshausen
Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute & School of Optometry
Director, Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience
UC Berkeley 
575A Evans hall, MC 3198
Berkeley, CA 94720-3198
(510) 642-7250 / 2-7206 (fax)