What is an Imbizo?
\ɪmˈbiːzɒ\ | Xhosa - Zulu
A gathering of the people to share knowledge.
Larry Abbott - Columbia University
Adrienne Fairhall - Washington University
Surya Ganguli* - Stanford University
Peter Latham - University College London
Blake Richards - University of Toronto
Timothy Lillicrap - Google DeepMind
Mate Lengyel - University of CambridgeJoseph Raimondo - University of Cape Town
Yiota Poirazi - Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas
Srikanth Ramaswamy - EPFL Lausanne
Tim Vogels - University of Oxford
Byron Yu - Carnegie Mellon University
Alex Antrobus (Gatsby Unit, UCL)
Athanasia Papoutsi (Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas)
William Podladski (University of Oxford )
Friedemann Zenke (Stanford University / University of Oxford)
and others, to be announced
*not confirmed
Peter Latham (Gatsby Unit for Computational Neuroscience, UCL, UK)
Joseph Raimondo (University of Cape Town, South Africa)
Tim Vogels (University of Oxford, UK)