
Within the Lullabyte.org consortium, one additional PhD position needs to filled, combining neuroscience, musicology and AI. The project will investigate the effects of generative music on sleep, as measured by wearable sleep EEG.

The position will be integrated into the highly collaborative and interdisciplinary European Marie Curie Network Lullabyte.org, working on the intersection of musicology, sleep research, and AI. It will be mostly based at Endel.io in Berlin, with secondments to the Technical University Dresden and the Donders Institute in Nijmegen/NL.  

Requirements: training in both music and neuroscience, with a master degree or equivalent in one of the following (or related) fields: musicology, music technology, computer music, neuroscience, psychology.

Application until 24-01-2024, starting date as soon as possible. Please send your applications including a brief (1-2 pages) motivation letter, CV, and contact information for two references to miriam.akkermann@tu-dresden.de


Donders Sleep & Memory Lab, Radboud University Medical Center
Kapittelweg 29, 6525 EN Nijmegen, Netherlands