Dear colleagues,
We have a new PhD position in computational cognitive neuroscience as part of a larger COFUND grant to the Data Science and Systems Complexity centre of the University of Groningen. You will work in an interdisciplinary team of scientists from Cognitive Modeling and Control Engineering (including myself and Prof. Ming Cao), on a project that you will be able to help design. The link to the 18 projects (including the computational cognitive neuroscience project in collaboration with Cardiff University) is

The DSSC Research Training Programme is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie COFUND action developed at the University of Groningen that will train 10 PhD students for 4 years to be part of the next generation of interdisciplinary data and complexity experts. Brief description of the COFUND project: Today’s world is a highly complex system that is producing massive amounts of data daily. We can only progress towards urgent global priorities such as sustainable energy, personalized healthcare, safety or the creation of the data- driven economy if we can predict and control the dynamic nature of such systems. This challenge calls for an integrated approach that uses data to understand the behaviour of complex systems and for experts who can handle data and complexity problems for society at large. For more details, DSSC COFUND website is

Applications should be submitted online by July 15th. The PhD could start anywhere between October 2017 and March 2018.

Kind regards,
Marieke van Vugt
Marieke van Vugt, PhD
Assistant Professor, Cognitive Modelling Group
University of Groningen
Bernoulliborg, room 326
Nijenborgh 9
9747 AG Groningen
The Netherlands
phone: +31-6-5195-4984 (cell)
            +31-50-363-9487 (office)
twitter: @mvugt /