Dear all,

It is our pleasure to share with you a large database of whole-cell intracellular recordings from 315 neurons located in the supragranular layers (L2/3) of the primary somatosensory cortex in adult mice (9-45 weeks old) from both sexes (females, N=195; males, N=120). Data include 361 somatic current-clamp (CC) and 476 voltage-clamp (VC) experiments, recorded using a step-and-hold protocol (CC, N=257; VC, N=46), frozen noise injections (CC, N=104) and triangular voltage sweeps (VC, 10 (N=132), 50 (N=146) and 100 ms (N=152)), from regular spiking (N=169) and fast-spiking neurons (N=66).

We believe that this database will particularly benefit computational modellers, as the data can be used to systematically study the properties of somatic integration, and the principles of action potential generation across sexes and across electrically characterised neuronal classes in adulthood. Understanding the principles of the somatic transformation of postsynaptic potentials into action potentials will shed light onto the computational principles of intracellular information transfer in single neurons and information processing in neuronal networks, helping to recreate neuronal functions in artificial systems.

So feel free to use the data for your (cortical) cell models!

The data can be found here:
The paper can be found here:

Best regards and happy holidays,

Angelica da Silva Lantyer
Niccolò Calcini
Ate Bijlsma
Koen Kole
Melanie Emmelkamp
Manon Peeters
Wim J. J. Scheenen
Fleur Zeldenrust
Tansu Celikel

Fleur Zeldenrust
Assistant Professor
Department of Neurophysiology
Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
Faculty of Science, Radboud University
Heyendaalseweg 135, postvak 33, kamer 02.204
6525 AJ Nijmegen, the Netherlands
tel +31 24 36 53195