Call for participation: Interdisciplinary workshop on the development of body knowledge in humans and machines.
19th September
2016, Cergy-Pontoise
/ Paris
held in the framework of
ICDL-EPIROB 2016 conference (
Following the previous workshops on the development of body
representations in humans and robots at ICDL-EPIROB, we
have the pleasure to announce a
forthcoming workshop in Cergy-Pontoise / Paris
on the 19th September 2016.
The aim of this
workshop is to spark collaboration between roboticists and
developmental psychologists in order to address the
origins of the sensorimotor maps that underlie own body
representations in both infants and robots. The
development of infants’ body knowledge is a primary object
of discovery starting before birth. This construction
ultimately enables the infant to efficiently interact with
the environment. The specific goal of the organizers is to
explore the possibility of developing robotic models
inspired by the development of human infant body
Presentations will
consider body knowledge acquisition from sensorimotor,
neural and computational perspectives. After the
presentations, the discussion will aim at establishing an
integrative framework for understanding a) the development
of body knowledge in infants, b) the mechanisms that
underlie body knowledge acquisition and c) how robots can
be used to replicate developmental patterns and
progressions that have been found in human infants. On
the one hand such robots can become new modeling tools for
empirical sciences – expanding the domain of computational
modeling by anchoring it to the physical environment and a
physical body. On the other hand, robot controllers
endowed with multimodal whole-body awareness typical of
humans should increase robots’ autonomy.
We invite contributions
concerning the development of body knowledge in humans
and/or machines. Please submit a one-page abstract
describing your poster by the 20th August 2016 to
the following address:
Presenters of a poster will be expected to be present on the 19th of September 2016 for a teasers-session and for the poster session. During the teasers-session each presenter will introduce their poster in a 2-minute oral presentation (with 2-3 pdf slides). During the poster session they will then have the opportunity to explain their poster and to hand out any leaflets or other information materials they have available for viewers of their poster.
Important dates
Abstract submission: August 20, 2016.
Notification of acceptance: August 23, 2016.
Submission of 2-3 slides (pdf): September 15, 2016.
Workshop day: September 19, 2016.
Cergy-Pontoise University:
Please check the website for updated information
about the workshop!
Eszter Somogyi, PhD
Postdoc researcher, Laboratoire Psychologie de la Perception, Paris Descartes University, France
Matej Hoffmann, PhD
Researcher, iCub Facility, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy
Lorenzo Jamone, PhD
Associate researcher, VisLab, Instituto
de Sistemas e Robotica, Lisbon, Portugal
Contact information
Eszter Somogyi, PhD
Postdoc researcher, Laboratoire Psychologie de la Perception, Paris Descartes University, France
-- Matej Hoffmann, PhD Postdoctoral Researcher iCub Facility Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia Via Morego, 30 16163 Genoa, Italy