We offer a PhD position in the research training group

RTG 2271 "Breaking Expectations"


in the department of Psychology at the Philipps-Universität Marburg.

In this sub-project, we investigate whether individual humans are Bayesian resource-rational learners under naturalistic conditions where possible (virtual reality), and in online experiments. Specifically, we will compare the learning dynamics of these models and their dealing with expectation violations to human behavior. One possible application direction  are models of chronic and acute pain perception and prediction. The project requires a keen interest in the computational and mathematical modeling of human experimental data. Interest in designing and carrying out such experiments is a plus.

Benefits of membership in the GRK 2271 include:

- scientific exchange with a vibrant community of PhD students and PIs of the other projects

- possibility of (funded) lab visits with international mentors/collaborators

- yearly retreats in the scenic Kleinwalsertal

Formal requirements are:

We expect you to be interested in:

Advantageous qualifications are:

Application deadline: 28.08.20

For further information, please contact Prof. Dominik Endres (dominik.endres@uni-marburg.de).

The official job advert can be found here (deadline has been extended to 28.08.20):



Prof. Dr. Dominik Endres

AE Theoretische Kognitionswissenschaft

Allgemeine und Biologische Psychologie

FB Psychologie, Gutenbergstr 18, 35032 Marburg, Germany

Tel. +49-(0)6421-28-23818