Looking for PhD opportunities? Join the vibrant, collaborative theoretical/computational neuroscience community at University of Washington in Seattle! Research areas span the full spectrum of scales, mechanisms, and functions of the brain — from the cellular biophysics of computation to brainwide models of neural processing and cognition to next-generation brain/computer interfaces. The Computational Neuroscience Center, directed by Adrienne Fairhall and Eric Shea-Brown, is a hub for research in mathematical and computational neuroscience, connecting researchers at the University of Washington across campus and to the extended neuroscience community in the Pacific Northwest including the Allen Institute. UW is home to the Center for Neurotechnology, a leader in BCI technologies and neuroethics, and a member of the Weill Neurohub, which collaboratively links UW with researchers with the neuroscience communities at UCSF and UC Berkeley. Specialized training is available in data science through the eScience Institute. Please visit our webpage to learn more about faculty research interests and our wide range of community activities.


The neuroscience community at UW is interdisciplinary, and students have the freedom to work across departments. Programs of interest to students wishing to study computational neuroscience include (w/ computational faculty in bold):


NEUROSCIENCE (Deadline Nov. 30):  faculty include Nick Steinmetz, Wyeth Bair, Anitha Pasupathy, Beth Buffalo, Bing Brunton, Ione Fine, David Gire, Jeff Ojemann, Adrienne Fairhall, Eric Shea-Brown, Jeff Riffell, Steve Perlmutter, Fred Rieke, John Tuthill


COMPUTER SCIENCE (Deadline Dec. 15):  faculty include Raj Rao


APPLIED MATH (Deadline Dec. 15):  faculty include Eric Shea-Brown, Nathan Kutz, Eli Shlizerman, Bing Brunton, and Adrienne Fairhall as well as Allen Institute affiliate faculty Michael Buice and Stefan Mihalas


BIOLOGY (Deadline December 1): faculty include Bing Brunton, David Perkel, Jeff Riffell, Tom Daniel


ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (Deadline Dec. 15): faculty include Chet Moritz, Amy Orsborn, Azadeh Yazdan-Shahmorad, Howard Chizeck


BIOENGINEERING (Deadline Dec. 1): Faculty include Amy Orsborn, Azadeh Yazdan-Shahmorad, Jay Rubinstein


PSYCHOLOGY (Deadline Dec. 1): Faculty include Sheri Mizumori, Ariel Rokem, David Gire, Ione Fine, Geoff Boynton, Eliot Brenowitz, Andrea Stocco


BIOSTATISTICS (Deadline December 1): Faculty include Daniela Witten and Ali Shojaie


PHYSICS (Deadline Jan 5. ):  faculty include Adrienne Fairhall, Fred Rieke