Deep Learning for MRI-based addiction research

    PhD position (starting date: July 2020, 3 years, 100%)

    At Charite - Universitaetsmedizin Berlin and the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience, we are looking for a motivated and highly talented PhD student for a subproject in the Collaborative Research Centre TRR 265: Losing and Regaining Control over Drug Intake (lead: Andreas Heinz). The subproject is about "Deep Learning for identifying subtypes in addiction based on structural MRI data" (PI and primary supervisor: Kerstin Ritter). The goal of this subproject is to employ and advance (transparent) convolutional neural network architectures for the analysis of structural MRI data in addiction with respect to disease progression and subtypes.

    Requirements for the PhD student:
    - Very good degree in computer science, mathematics, physics, psychology, computational neuroscience or related subject.
    - Good programming skills in python
    - Strong experience in machine/deep learning and/or (medical) image analysis
    - Excellent writing and communication skills (in English)
    If you are interested, please send a short letter of motivation + CV (in one pdf) as soon as possible to

    Thank you and best wishes,
    Fabian Eitel