The Computational Neuroscience Initiative at the University of Pennsylvania is pleased to announce a new program for Interdisciplinary Training in Computational Neuroscience (ITCN) at the doctoral level. The goal of the ITCN is to train a new generation of scientists to make quantitative links between properties of the brain and properties of the mind. ITCN trainees will learn to use computational methodology to interpret experimental results; build predictive models of brain function that inform the design of the experiments; and support an ever-growing list of neuroscience-related applications, from brain-machine interfaces in the clinic to cutting-edge forms of artificial intelligence.

The ITCN brings together students and faculty from Penn’s PhD programs in Neuroscience (Biomedical Graduate Studies, Perelman School of Medicine), Bioengineering (School of Engineering and Applied Sciences), Physics (School of Arts and Sciences), and Psychology (School of Arts and Sciences). To join the ITCN, students first apply to one of those “home” PhD programs. Once admitted, students then typically apply to the ITCN before starting classes in their first year. Those selected meet with the ITCN Advisory Committee, both individually and as a group, to develop individualized training plans that meet the goals and requirements of the ITCN and each student’s home program. These plans include coursework, research, and other activities, that aim to build both expertise in computational neuroscience and a sense of community in the ITCN.

Details are found here.

CNI/ITCN Leadership:
CNI/ITCN Faculty:


Maria N. Geffen, Ph.D. (she/her)
Department of Otorhinolaryngology
Department of Neuroscience
Department of Neurology
Co-Director, Computational Neuroscience Initiative
Stemmler Hall G14
3450 Hamilton Walk
Philadelphia PA 19104
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