Centre for Neural Dynamics and Artificial Intelligence, University of Ottawa


We are recruiting two postdoctoral fellows. One for a project on large scale spiking neural networks, another for a project involving analysis of high-throughput neural data. The successful candidate will become an integral part of the Neural Coding lab and participate in a collaborative research environment. 


Ottawa is a vibrant city, capital of Canada. For more information, see https://neurodynamic.uottawa.ca/ottawa.html.


For past publications related to this research, see Richard Naud’s google scholar page: https://scholar.google.ca/citations?user=2HXsblgAAAAJ&hl=en

And website:





Qualifications: Ph. D. in theoretical neuroscience, computer science, or engineering.


Start date: As soon as a suitable candidate is found.


Submit: CV, statement of research interest and contact for 3 references.


Duration: 2 years.


Deadline: We will start reviewing applications January 15, 2024.


Contact: rnaud@uottawa.ca (Richard Naud)