PhD/Postdoctoral Position at the Max Planck Institute
for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen, Germany
The Department of High-field
Magnetic Resonance at the Max Plank Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen
is offering one PhD position and one postdoctoral fellow position under the
supervision of Dr. Xin Yu (Group Leader at MPI for Biological Cybernetics). This
position is open until filled.
Research Description: Understand and learn to control the brain circuits underlying critical brain states, such as coma or arousal. Potential assignments: a. build up the multi-modal platform to monitor the brain states of rat coma models, e.g. implementing the MRI/EEG/calcium recording methods for global brain state verification. b. target specific nuclei with deep brain optogenetic stimulation methods, potentially involved in developing real-time biofeedback controlling schemes.
Experience with signal processing and programming is highly desired. The candidates should bear a certain experience or strong interest on brain functional imaging, e.g. task-based BOLD fMRI.
The Max Plank Institute for Biological Cybernetics is located in Tübingen, Germany. The High-field Magnetic Resonance Department is equipped with the 3T, 9.4T human MR scanner and 14.1T animal Bruker MR Scanner. The Max Planck Society is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer, and encourages applications from qualified women and minority candidates.
Please send your CV (in English) to Dr. Yu if interested.
Contact info:
Dr. Xin Yu
Research Group leader
Max-Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
Spemannstrasse 41
72076 Tübingen
E-mail:; phone: 49 7071 601-740
Dr. Yu has published seminal papers on small animal high field MRI in Nature Neuroscience, Nature Methods, Neuron, PNAS, NeuroImage etc.