Funded by the
Norwegian Research Council, the available position is part of a collaborative project on
personalized rehabilitation of stroke patients evaluated with multimodal
quantitative tools (PROTEQT). The selected candidate can start as early as
October 1st, 2020. She or he will be part of a research group focused on neural
data science at the Department of Mathematics at NTNU. We have a wonderful
group and surrounding community. Norway is lovely (especially now).
This position is for the development of methods to analyze neural data -- in particular, to compare across subjects and describe changes as the underlying network develops (e.g. during recovery from a stroke). The main datasets are multimodal MRI, to be analyzed in collaboration with another postdoc and PhD student. There is also other data around and plenty of room for theoretical work. Email me at if you have any questions.
Please apply here:
Note the deadline: August 20th
Here are some publications:
And an example of something we are working on: