Systems Vision Science Virtual Summer School & Symposium:

June 19th – July 12th, 2024




Applications are invited for a virtual edition of the Systems Vision Science Summer School and Symposium that took place in Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tuebingen, Germany in August 2023. 

This year, the virtual edition enables students to attend from afar by formal lectures via Zoom and informal and social communications via a Slack channel.

Systems Vision Science combines computational, behavioral, and neuroscience methods to discover functions and algorithms for vision in various brain regions

and their implementations in neural circuits. This summer school is designed for everyone interested in gaining a systems level understanding of biological vision

We plan a coherent, graduate-level, syllabus on the integration of experimental data with theory and models. The syllabus content will be very similar to the edition in 2023,

the learning format, the delivery, and social interactions will be adjusted to suit the virtual format.

Experience or knowledge in (A) computational methods, (B) visual psychophysics, and (C) vision neuroscience, is not required.

However, experience in at least one of (A), (B), and (C), and a readiness to learn, is expected.

The Summer School will be followed by a Systems Vision Science Virtual Symposium on July 12th. All admitted summer school students will be invited to attend this symposium

and are encouraged to submit for a presentation at the symposium. The symposium will also feature two invited keynote presentations.

A certificate of completion of the summer school course will be provided after the student’s successful completion of the summer school.




Important Dates:


March 31, 2024                 Deadline for applications

April 12, 2024                    Notification of acceptance

April 29, 2024                    Registration fees due


June 19 –                            Virtual Systems Vision Science Summer School takes place

July 10, 2024                      (formal lectures via Zoom and informal and social communications via a Slack channel)


July 12, 2024                      Virtual  Systems Vision Science Symposium takes place

                                             (3 -7 pm German time)




Please click here  to find more details and to apply by  March 31, 2024.


Summer School admission will be based on interest/motivation and prior knowledge/experience of the applicants, and on how much the applicants could benefit from participation.


Please direct inquiries to





Organizing Team


Li Zhaoping

Maria Pavlovic

Junhao Liang


Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics

University of Tuebingen