Centre for Neural Dynamics and Artificial Intelligence, University of Ottawa 

We are recruiting multiple postdoctoral fellows and graduate students for projects in NeuroAI. The successful candidate will become an integral part of the Neural Coding lab and participate in a collaborative research environment. We have positions within three larger projects: 1) mathematical modeling of the electrical stimulation of cortex (a project co-lead with MIT and MGH), 2) an applied AI project with high-throughput neuroscience data (part of the Brain-Heart Initiative), 3) plasticity in large spiking neural network for real world applications (sponsored by industrial partners). 

Ottawa is a vibrant city, capital of Canada. For more information, see https://neurodynamic.uottawa.ca/ottawa.html. 

Qualifications: physics, computer science, mathematics, or engineering. 

Start date: As soon as a suitable candidate is found. 

Submit: CV, statement of research interest and contact for 3 references. 

Deadline: We will start reviewing applications January 30, 2024. 

Contact: rnaud@uottawa.ca (Richard Naud)