There are only about four weeks left for submission of your abstract! Deadline 1st June 2014
The IPEG-meeting 2014 in Leipzig, Germany will have outstanding keynote speeches:
Scott Makeig (USA): EEG and measures of arousal
Hartmuth Schulz (Germany): Sleep EEG
Christoph Mulert (Germany): simultaneous EEG and fMRI in neuropsychiatric disorders
Leslie S. Prichep (USA): qEEG in neuropsychiaric disorders
Clifford B. Saper (USA): neurophysiology of sleep-wake regulation
Gerard Bruder (USA): EMBARC study on biological biomarkers in major depression
Therefore it is a pleasure for me to welcome all EEG-enthusiasts, neuropsychiatrists and neuroscientists to the IPEG-Meeting 2014 in
Leipzig. It would be a pleasure for us to receive an abstract about your latest EEG, pharmaco-EEG and brain stimulation research and related fields to enrich the program of the meeting and share your findings with colleagues around the world.
Prof. Hegerl, Scientific Head of the Conference and Director of the Clinic and Policlinic for Psychiatry and PSychotherapy, University Leipzig
IPEG Board and Conference-Organization Group