A post-doctoral position in modeling of molecular synapses and neurons is available at the Blue Brain Project at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland (
www.epfl.ch). The Blue Brain Project, based in Geneva, Switzerland, performs large-scale simulations of the brain. The position entails development of methods and systems to perform multi-scale modeling and integrate knowledge of signaling pathways to create models of plasticity, transmission, and regulation. The ideal candidate will have a Ph.D. in computational neuroscience or related field. Experience in modeling of molecular plasticity, biochemical signaling cascades, and reaction-diffusion modeling is desired. Strong biology and mathematical background, as well as coding competence in Python, C++, and NEURON are essential.
We are looking for highly motivated individuals to work as members of a highly multidisciplinary group working at the interface of neuroscience, physics and computer science with good writing, collaboration, and communication skills. Selected candidates will join a prestigious project that is pioneering simulation neuroscience research, composed of a young, dynamic, interdisciplinary, and international team. We offer a state-of-the-art working environment based at the Biotech Campus in Geneva (
http://www.campusbiotech.ch/en/ ) with access to cutting edge simulation, informatics and computing facilities.
Interested applicants should submit a cover letter and a detailed CV in PDF format only, with file name “Surname_position _Cover Letter” and “Surname_positon _CV” electronically to
jobs.bbp@epfl.ch Please use the reference of the position title in the “object” field.