Brain Criticality Virtual Meeting October 6 – 9 2020

Organizers: Dietmar Plenz, Lucilla de Arcangelis, Dante Chialvo, Demian Battaglia

This meeting intends to gather recent contributions in the field of systems neuroscience, with the purpose of further discussing the role of criticality and its implications in the dynamics of large neuronal populations, functional and structural connectivity, development and learning, robustness of system operation. Recent advances in selective recording and perturbation approaches involving large populations of neurons offer unique opportunities to test these predictions, challenge current interpretations of large data sets and trigger novel theoretical developments.

The meeting will take place virtually. Registration is free but limited and allows interactively participating to discussions and submitting contributed abstracts. A free live streaming will also be offered.

Deadline for registration is October 2nd, 2020
Abstracts submitted before Sunday September 27th will be considered for spotlight oral presentation.

Remaining abstracts will be presented as virtual posters

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